Dear NMR enthusiasts,
The NMR Challenge offers hands-on exercises for solving structures based on NMR spectra. These spectra, recorded from real samples, include solvent signals and, in some cases, signals from water and other impurities. Occasionally, magnetic field homogeneity may be less than perfect. These real-world spectra including imperfections provide an excellent opportunity to refine your spectral analysis skills.
The NMR Quiz serves as an interactive and engaging platform designed to enhance your spectral analysis skills and deepen your fundamental knowledge of NMR spectroscopy.
Feel free to incorporate these educational resources into your learning or teaching of NMR spectroscopy. Please note, however, that we do not provide a list of correct answers; our goal is to keep the exercises stimulating and challenging, even for teachers and NMR experts. To learn more about the NMR Challenge project, including insights into common mistakes and tips for improving NMR spectroscopy courses, refer to our publications in Journal of Chemical Education.
For suggestions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at:
NMR-Challenge Team

Ondřej Socha
Zuzana Osifová
Weizmann Institute of